Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Holidays in Paris" 4 French Artists at Giorgi Gallery

I'll be one of the participating artists at the exhibition "Holidays in Paris" at Giorgi Gallery , 2911 Claremont Avenue Berkeley, Ca.

 “Holidays in Paris”

Four French-American artists will present their most recent work at Giorgi Gallery. The show “Holidays in Paris” will be on display December 8th to 31st. Opening reception is on December 10 from 5 to 9 pm. The gallery visitors will then have the opportunity to meet the artists, enjoy some live music while sipping some wine: A great evening in perspective.
Fabienne Bismuth, Sculpture; Joe Boissy, Paintings; Elisabeth Michel-Meyrueix, Jewelry & Valerie Sobel, Mixed Media & Wearable Art.
French singer, Catherine Vincenti will perform with French opera arias and songs from well-known French singers like Edith Piaf or Yves Montand.
“Holidays in Paris”: a beautiful night, a night of beauty. Come enjoy this special event with us.

1 comment:

  1. Superb collections

    Cheers to Elisabeth Michel-Meyrueix for informing about exhibition.

    Hope to see more Christian Jewelry collections from your side
